Sridevi Krishnan

I started to write for children when I discovered that I was soon going to be a mother.

My very first book was a collection of “Nursery Rhyme Tales” dedicated to my twins. Over time, I began to invest more time and effort in writing which eventually led to my book “Mina Makes Friends”

I am also an author on the core team for Chinmaya Mission’s Balvihar magazine for children.

I am passionate about instilling creativity in young children and have conducted story workshops for elementary school children.

Mina Makes Friends

In this lovely book, Mina, the fish is new to the ocean and embarks upon an interesting journey and makes lot of friends.

This book can be used by parents and educators to discuss the topic of moving, being a new kid in the class, be curious and venture out.

With beautiful pictures and simple language, this book helps ease fears of finding new friends.


The Chinmaya Mission Magazine, Balvihar was created in order to link Bala Vihars all over the world so that the children could, through its pages, share common bonds of love, learning and laughter.

The magazine:

  • Features articles and stories about Indian heritage and culture
  • Builds a foundation for strong postive values
  • Helps develop a life-long love for reading

The Three Step Formula That Empowers Children to Excel In Writing

As discussed on an interview by Lakshmi Mitter on

"I believe there are 3 pillars to excel in book writing – Reading, Writing, and Drawing. All other things stem and flow from these activities. Reading and Writing rely on one another and together they create a greater whole. Drawing enhances one’s ability to express one’s own thoughts, feelings, and emotions."